Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Top Three Things.

The top three reasons to do something.

The criteria for this blog is having a heart and showing the responsibility of your life.

1). Taking care of your family.

I chose this because helping your family and taking care of them is an awesome thing to do when they are in need. Family always comes first in life, they support you so why not support them back when they need it . They will always be there for you so why not be there for them. They love you with everything they got so show it back.

2).Being responsible for your actions.
You always gotta take the credit for your own actions when you do something that was not right. Having the responsibility to be an adult and taking charges to do something. The more responsible you get the more respect you Will get from other people you are around, and better jobs you can get. Being responsible could also let you start a family.

Helping out the Community.
Being helpful in your own community could make many changes good and bad. Being helpful around the community is showing the mature and responsible side of you. There are many people who are really thankful for your help and making their life's a little bit easier. When you help out the community you feel good inside like you did something awesome.

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