Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer in the Yakima Valley Discuss Contrast

In the poem “Summer in the Yakima Valley “there is contrast, and I am going to be talking about it in this paragraph. In half of the poem it’s talking about day and the other half of the poem is about night. The speaker is contrasting the differences between them. During the day it’s all bright and fun and always having a good time. There are many things to do during the day. When is day light out, you hear the sounds of “a low flying plane”. The speaker’s cousin is always out and playing with him during the day but once night hits, his cousin is out. He always leaves and falls asleep first. At night everything turns black and fades away. When his cousin falls asleep on him first, he gets all lonely and is scared. Being alone in the dark when someone is sleeping and you’re awake brings in the scary thoughts and images. When you’re sitting in your house or outside you hear sounds like “coyote’s hungry cry” makes it even more frightening at night when you’re alone. When walking around “the uneven ground“, making sure that you don’t step in the wrong spot and hurt your self bad.

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