Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dream job from Childhood.

Dream Job:

The job I am going to fulfill in once I am done high school is the job I wanted to do since I was a child. There is always been a side of me that has wanted to work with kids, and do it for the rest of my life. I love being around kids and I love playing with them.
Ever since I was old enough to babysit them and be alone with them, I knew it was the job I needed to be when I was older. It brings joy to my life knowing I am making someone’s life a lot easier and relaxed while they are at work. The other half of my dream job is to own my own daycare center. I have always wanted to own my own center and be there for the parents who have young children that are not allowed in other daycares or preschool yet. Always helping out someone will always bring you happiness and they will always be there to help you in the long run. Ever since my little brother was born just about 2 years ago, has made me want to go into Early Childhood Education, and open my own business. Noah has helped me out with figuring out what I want to do with my life and when to do. I think it is important to love the job I am going to do.
When you love the job your in, your always coming out at the end of the day happy and to come home and see your own family.
I am going back to school and get into the job I want to get into. It will only take 2 years to do, but it will be the best years after that once I get all the education I need for it. I am always inspired by some of the adults around me, there has been more then others but they help. I am going to be working really hard to get into the school the offers my job. I am hoping to do this job in till the day I die, and make my family proud.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer in the Yakima Valley Discuss Contrast

In the poem “Summer in the Yakima Valley “there is contrast, and I am going to be talking about it in this paragraph. In half of the poem it’s talking about day and the other half of the poem is about night. The speaker is contrasting the differences between them. During the day it’s all bright and fun and always having a good time. There are many things to do during the day. When is day light out, you hear the sounds of “a low flying plane”. The speaker’s cousin is always out and playing with him during the day but once night hits, his cousin is out. He always leaves and falls asleep first. At night everything turns black and fades away. When his cousin falls asleep on him first, he gets all lonely and is scared. Being alone in the dark when someone is sleeping and you’re awake brings in the scary thoughts and images. When you’re sitting in your house or outside you hear sounds like “coyote’s hungry cry” makes it even more frightening at night when you’re alone. When walking around “the uneven ground“, making sure that you don’t step in the wrong spot and hurt your self bad.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Creative Writing.

One day, there was a girl who was at an award ceremony and phoned home to see how her mother was. When she called, her mom is crying and having a breakdown and the daughter asks her mom what is wrong, and the mother proceeds to tell her. After her mom tells her, she is in shock and does not to what to say to her mom or anything, besides sorry. When the daughter got home from the award ceremony, she hugged her mom and told her everything will be ok. When she found her stepsisters puddle of blood on the lawn, she is upset and mad for making her parents worry and upset. Her step dad was hurt the most and did not know what to do. The stepsister got put into the insane ward at the hospital and made the family almost fall apart. When she got released from the hospital, she came home and did not talk to anyone or do anything. All she did was eat in her room and went to school. She is one insane girl.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

"The Book Thief" VS "No Man Is An Island"

Both the poem "No man is an Island" by John Donne and the novel "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak are both talking about how each life of a person will affects the world as a whole. "No man is an island, entire itself" is explaining that one person is not alone and is apart of the whole world even thought some people don't think that they are. The poem is talking about how everyone has an effect on the each person around them,everyone is human and they all get hurt like everyone else does. When John Donne talks about death is presented by " From whom the bell tolls: It tolls for thee " is talking about , don't ask who is died it is for you. So when someone is dying , you may not know them but you also get effected by it, every person in the world or town you live in, always has to deal with death and every one gets hurt from it . In the novel "The book Thief " is also connected to the poem "No man is an Island" by the fact that Liesel is growing up in Nazi Germany during the time that the Germans were discriminating the Jews. The Germans do not realize that when they are discriminating them that they are hurting everyone around them. When they get the children to join a Hitler Youth group, they are hurting them for doing stuff they do no want to do. Markus Zusak tells stories of when his mother was growing up in Germany , all the information that he got told was going on because of the world war 2. The novel and the poems show connection because when the Germans do not realize they are hurting other people when they are discriminating the Jews as the same with poem when " If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less". When one thing gets washed away the place is hurt and it not the same after wards. When Liesel is stealing books with Rudy from the major's house she does not think about anything else then the book she wants, and only thinks about her education. These two pieces of text are both showing what effects one person has on another person. When Rudy steals food for himself and blames it on his family that it is huge and so many siblings and they are poor, we may be hurting for food and thirst but does not realize that when he steals something from a person's store or house that it also hurts them to know someone would do that to them. The speaker of the poem "No man is an Island " and the speaker of the book " The Book Thief " are both talking about that no man by it's self could ever a single place and when you do something it effects other people, or when you think you can go without someone that someone be needing you.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Review .

The movie series "Saw" are an awkward plot for a movie. They are all a good movie, they have the ending when you think something is going to happen but it ends there leaving you wondering what will happen next. The sick sense of humor that got put into those movies had them popular. The director of the movies has made them like that to bring the viewers into the movies and get into them. They are also wanting the viewers to come back and see the next ones.These movies are always a good movie to watch if you wanna watch a horror. I would always recommend these movies to teenagers or older.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Book Thief ... novel research

Markus Zusak wrote the book called "The Book Thief". Markus is an Australian writer who grew up always hearing stories about Nazi Germany and the bombing on Munich. He always knew that he wanted to tell a story about the bombing of Germany and the Jews being marched his mothers small town. The stories his mother had told him about her life in Germany inspired him to write a book about it. Markus Zusak was upset when he found out the sky in Germany was on "fire" from all the bombing and massive explosions going on. He always wanted to make the stories he got told into an actual book and that he did he made the book "The Book Thief".

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Top Three Things.

The top three reasons to do something.

The criteria for this blog is having a heart and showing the responsibility of your life.

1). Taking care of your family.

I chose this because helping your family and taking care of them is an awesome thing to do when they are in need. Family always comes first in life, they support you so why not support them back when they need it . They will always be there for you so why not be there for them. They love you with everything they got so show it back.

2).Being responsible for your actions.
You always gotta take the credit for your own actions when you do something that was not right. Having the responsibility to be an adult and taking charges to do something. The more responsible you get the more respect you Will get from other people you are around, and better jobs you can get. Being responsible could also let you start a family.

Helping out the Community.
Being helpful in your own community could make many changes good and bad. Being helpful around the community is showing the mature and responsible side of you. There are many people who are really thankful for your help and making their life's a little bit easier. When you help out the community you feel good inside like you did something awesome.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Super Powers.

If I could have a superpower I would have. A power would have is, to be able to fly. I would have this power, so I wouldn't have to use any gas powered machines to get around anywhere when I needed to go out. You would be able to get around faster and save the world. Having this power would make everything so much more fun, being able to fly high in sky and saving money .